Little Heroes is 8bits, NES inspired, RPG asset pack, it includes different characters bases, outfits, weapons and shields, and Tilesets.

In addition to the downloadable files, Little Heroes comes with Hero Party generator, which can used directly from Itch, to customize and create an hero party, then export a spritesheet with party sprites!

The source code of the Hero Party Generator is available at this Github Repository.

This asset pack is licensed as public domain, so credits are optional but mostly appreciated.

Would you like to see this asset pack expanded? Reach me with suggestions and I might add them!

I also offer commissioned work, check out my Ko-fi page:


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What is the license?

MIT, so totally free to use. Credits optional but appreciated :)

MIT is for code... Art usually uses CC licenses

Take a look on them...

For MIT license user must save text of MIT somewhere so in this case it is crediting...

fair enough, gonna update the page to reflect the proper license, but feel free to use it without any requirements 

Without any requirements means public domain and for assets suits CC0 (way to say it is public domain)

(1 edit)

project description updated to reflect the license.

thanks for the callout

Flippin sweet!